This research group – hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) – focuses on knowledge translation (KT) in health policy and practice. Our research spans a wide array of topics and methodologies, from theoretical and conceptual analyses to empirical studies of implementation processes.
By investigating ideas and practices of translation in medicine and the humanities we aim to rethink the field of medical humanities. We also aim to develop and expand the scope and methods of knowledge translation in health care by integrating approaches from the natural and human sciences.
Focus areas:
• We explore how concepts such as “narrative,” “literacy,” and “translation” adapt and interact across knowledge domains in the humanities, the social sciences, and the medical field.
• We examine the dynamics of various translational processes to understand how medical knowledge is mobilized and applied in wider societal discussions, such as those around abortion, sustainability, and evidence-based practice.
• We develop more scaled and community-oriented approaches for co-creation between medical experts and different grassroots constituencies.
• We develop teaching approaches for sustainable development grounded in the principles of translational medical humanities.