The Sustainability & Health Corpus, or SHE, is a carefully curated collection of texts, accompanied by an open access software interface and a number of visualization tools. While the SHE is designed to be easily accessible, new as well as experienced users may still benefit from instructional materials that can guide engagement with the corpus in both research and teaching. On this page, you can find two video series that have been produced to clarify the nature and purpose of the corpus, and to help users orient themselves within the online environment.
The first series (How to use the Sustainability & Health Corpus) consists of three videos that provide a quick introduction to the corpus, its rationale, and its functionality. The second series (Analyzing concepts and patterns in the Sustainability & Health Corpus ) explores a range of specific topics and approaches to corpus analysis. Watching the videos in order is recommended, but users already familiar with the SHE, or with certain aspects of corpus research, can simply navigate to a topic of choice. All videos are meant to be used as interactive resources, so users are encouraged to open up the SHE Web Interface while watching, and to pause regularly in order to explore the corpus at their own pace. Please note that the SHE Corpus was previously known as the Oslo Medical Corpus (OMC), and that this name therefore occurs in some of the instructional videos.
How to use the Sustainability & Health Corpus
Part 1: Corpora and Healthcare