The Sustainability & Health Corpus is a continuation and expansion of the Genealogies of Knowledge Corpus. It follows the same agenda – of building resources to support the conceptual analysis of different types of material from a variety of sources – and is a non-commercial endeavour focused on research and education.
Because of legal constraints pertaining to copyright law, we offer restricted access to the corpora: we aim to allow visitors to the site to run searches, expand individual concordance lines within the limits of fair use, and download the findings. But we are unable to offer full access to individual texts.
All software tools developed for this project are available for free download, together with relevant documentation, under a Free Software license, the GNU General Public License.
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Contents of the Sustainability & Health Corpus
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Sources and Credits
The SHE Corpus and GoK team gratefully acknowledges the following organisations for making their material publicly available, or for granting us permission to use their material in the corpus:
Government and intergovernmental organizations
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization whose purpose is to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. Some of its materials can be freely reproduced, given proper accredititation, and permission was obtained from the UN to include a selection of additional documents in the corpus.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) is a United Nations agency that leads global efforts to expand universal health coverage, and direct and coordinate the world’s response to health emergencies. WHO material published after 12 November 2016 is available under a Creative Commons licence. Permission has been granted for older material to be included in OMC.
Civil society and community organizations
Amnesty International is an international non-governmental organization focused on human rights. Through research and campaigning, the organization aims to fight abuses of human rights worldwide by opposing oppressive laws and by freeing unjustly incarcerated people. Material included in the OMC is published under a Creative Commons license.
The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) is a non-profit organization working to better human health by protecting the planet. CAPE seeks to educate its members, other physicians and health professionals, the public, and policy-makers about environmental health issues, and about how to make hospitals and medical clinics more environmentally friendly. Permission was obtained from CAPE to include its copyrighted reports in the corpus.
Health Poverty Action is an NGO that works to strengthen poor and marginalised people in their struggle for health. The organisation seeks to preserve and protect, through the provision of primary health care, the health of communities who receive little or no external assistance because of political instability and conflict. Permission was obtained to include material from Health Povery Action in the corpus.
Medact is a charity with a mission is to support health professionals from all disciplines to work together towards a world in which everyone can truly achieve and exercise their human right to health. This goal is approached through research and evidence-based campaigning for solutions to the social, political and economic conditions which damage health, deepen health inequalities and threaten peace and security. Permission was obtainted from Medact to include its reports in the corpus.
Medical Justice works to uphold the health and associated legal rights of people in immigration detention, and provides medical evidence so the devastating health harms of detention are understood and acted on. Permission has been granted for the inclusion of Medical Justice material in the OMC.
Together 2030 is a global, action-oriented initiative aiming to generate and share knowledge on the implementation and accountability of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and project the voices of different civil society and stakeholders around the world on the challenges and opportunities of implementing this Agenda. Permission has been granted for use of Together 2030 material in OMC.
Networks and collectives
Doctors in Unite is the UK’s oldest medical trade union representing junior doctors, general practitioners and hospital consultants.
Doctors of the World UK is part of a global network of 17 Médecins du Monde partners; delivering over 400 projects in more than 70 countries. In the UK, Doctors of the World provides medical care and support, and campaigns to challenge the harmful systems and hostile environment that are currently excluding people living in the UK from accessing healthcare.
Global Health 50/50 is an independent, evidence-driven initiative to advance action and accountability for gender equality in global health. It brings together the rigour of academic research, the knowledge of how policy change can occur and the momentum of advocates and communicators to catalyse progress. All Global Health 50/50 material included in OMC is available under a Creative Commons licence.
Medicus Mundi International is a network of organizations working in the field of international health cooperation and global health. The Network promotes access to health and health care as a fundamental human right and supports the efforts undertaken in this respect by its members. Permission was obtained to include material from Medicus Mundi International in the corpus.
Planetary Health Alliance (PHA) is a growing consortium of over 340 universities, non-governmental organizations, research institutes, and government entities from 64+ countries around the world committed to understanding and addressing the impacts of global environmental change on human health and wellbeing. PHA supports the dissemination of new research, the development and curation of foundational education materials, and the bringing together of communities of practice around the world. It also helps to integrate Planetary Health into the global health and human development communities and mainstream the field’s new insights and frameworks into the domains of policymaking, the private sector, and the public.
Third World Network (TWN) is an independent non-profit international research and advocacy organisation involved in issues relating to development, developing countries and North-South affairs. Its mission is to bring about a greater articulation of the needs and rights of peoples in the South, a fair distribution of world resources, and forms of development which are ecologically sustainable and fulfill human needs. TWN material included in OMC is available under a Creative Commons license.
The Wellcome Trust is a charitable foundation supporting research addressing urgent health challenges. Wellcome works with policy makers, runs advocacy campaigns, and forms partnerships with other organisations to ensure everyone, everywhere benefits from advances in health science. Much of its material is made available under a Creative Commons license.
Scientific Journals
The Lancet, an imprint of Elsevier, is a leading journal of medicine. Founded as an independent, international weekly general medical journal in 1823 by Thomas Wakley, it has now evolved into a large family of journals. Material included in the OMC is published under a Creative Commons license.
Routledge is a leading academic publisher, and part of the Taylor & Francis Group. In addition to open access books on sustainable development and health, the OMC also includes a large number of relevant Routledge books by permission.
Online Magazines
The Conversation is the world’s leading publisher of research-based news and analysis. Professional editors work with academics to turn knowledge and insights into easy-to-read articles, and make them accessible to general readers. All its output is free to read and free to republish under a Creative Commons license.
POZ is a magazine that chronicles the lives of people affected by HIV/AIDS. Its website publishes a wide range of news and treatment information relevant to HIV/AIDS.
Counterpunch is a reader-supported online magazine that publishes articles on a wide variety of topics, from an independent left-leaning perspective.
Truthout is a nonprofit news organization dedicated to providing independent reporting and commentary on a diverse range of social justice issues.
Jason Hickel’s blog: In addition to his academic work, Jason Hickel maintains a blog and writes regularly for The Guardian and Foreign Policy, and contributes to a number of other online outlets including Al Jazeera, Fast Company, Prospect, Jacobin, Le Monde Diplomatique, New Internationalist, Red Pepper, Truthout, and Monthly Review. He is Associate Editor of the journal World Development, and serves on the Climate and Macroeconomics Roundtable of the National Academy of Sciences, the Statistical Advisory Panel for the UN Human Development Report, the advisory board of the Green New Deal for Europe, and the Harvard-Lancet Commission on Reparations and Redistributive Justice.
Science-Based Medicine is a science blog dedicated to evaluating medical treatments and products of interest to the public in a scientific light, and promoting the highest standards and traditions of science in health care.